Shelf Township poll for Knights of the Shire 1848 |
This is the Shelf Polling District for the West Riding Election for a Knight of the Shire for the West Ridiing of Yorkshire, in the room of Lord Viscount Morpeth (suceeded to the peerage as Earl of Carlisle) on Thursday and Friday, Dec 14th and 15th 1848. Candidates Edmund Denison Esquire and Sir Culling Eardley Eardley Baronet. Compiled by T Flint Esq, Leeds and published by George Crosby, 20 Queen's Place. 1849 The requirement to vote at that time was that you must own or hold a minimum 60 year lease on land to a minimum value of £10 or be paying a rent at £50 per annum The ballot was a public affair and lists like the one we have transcribed below were later published. A 1 indicates a vote for Dennison (Conservative - who won the seat) or a 2 for Eardley (Liberal). We presume a blank after a name means no vote was cast.